When you have a dog, having it a little exercise can go a long way in making a difference.In addition, it will boost its confidence with you.
People & Dogs
You can opt to take your dog for a walk on the leash.When in the midst of your walk, ensure that you mix it with jogging, running or even stepping high inorder to increase your heart beat in order to burn both calories.
Dog Tag
Just as you did while you were a kid with your friend, you can opt to play tag with your dog at your local dog park, at the bark yard or even inside your house.
You both will get great cardio throughout the playing as the dog tries chasing you down.
Fetch Races
You may opt to have a twist on the old favourite.You can grab your dogs most favourite toy then take a walk or drive to the nearest dog park.Race the toy for the dog to run and grab it.
If you cant be able to access the a park, you can opt to use a hallway of your home with a soft toy.
Fetch Tease for Abs
This is another twist of a classic fetch.Grab one of your dogs best toy then pretend to be tossing it as you reach the top of your sit-up.Do this repetitively as many times as possible until the dog realises that you have his toy.This type of activity may be perfect for dogs park or courtyard.
Dog Squat Tease
Prepare yourself to do legs squat while you spread your shoulder width.In the process of descending, tap the dog while holding the toy.As you rise, lift the toy just above your head to encourage the dog to jump after it.This is just a simple exercise that can be done at home.