My Dog Sleeps All Day: Is That Normal?

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Have you ever thought “my dog sleeps all day. Wish I could, too!” Dogs do sleep more than humans, and although we may get a little jealous of our pups’ luxurious five-hour napping habits, it’s important to understand why dogs sleep so much and know what excessive sleeping in dogs really looks like.

How Much Sleep Does My Dog Really Need?

When hanging with other pet parents, you may be curious if their dog sleeps all day, too. Unfortunately, comparing what your dog does to another dog’s habits may not be the best way to gauge what is normal. How much sleep your dog needs depends on many factors: age, breed, activity level, and environmental conditions.

If your dog generally sleeps between 12-14 hours a day, you likely have nothing to be concerned about, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). However, if your dog is sleeping over 15 hours a day, you should pay close attention to how your dog behaves while awake. If they seem lethargic or disconnected to people and other pets, it’s time to visit your veterinarian.

Take environmental changes into consideration when it seems like your dog is sleeping more than normal. Small changes in your dog’s life could lead to big changes in their sleep habits.

  • New pets: If there’s suddenly a rambunctious kitten in the house, your dog may be looking for their own quiet spot to rest.
  • Hot weather: Be on the lookout for signs of heat exhaustion like lethargy, excessive drooling or vomiting if your dog gets sleepy in the summer.
  • A schedule change: Did you recently get a new job or change your work schedule? A dog who is home alone for long periods may become bored or lonely.
  • Playtime has increased: Has your pup recently started attending a new doggy daycare? Are the two of you training for a 5K together? Increases in playtime or exercise could just have your pup tuckered out, and it may take some time for them to adjust to the new level of exercise before they are back to their normal sleeping pattern.

Puppies: Play Hard, Nap Hard

Age is a big factor when it comes to how much sleep a dog needs. Just as human babies need a lot of sleep, the AKC notes that puppies need 15-20 hours of sleep a day to help their central nervous system, immune system and muscles develop properly. Many puppies will get the sleep they need by napping throughout the day. Encourage your dog to nap in the same quiet, comfortable spot so you can establish a routine, and try to keep children or other pets from disturbing them.

Very young puppies may also need help establishing a regular bedtime. Turn off all the lights and noises such as TV around the same time every night to convince your pet that they should go to bed when you do.

Sleep and Aging

Senior dogs tend to need more sleep than young or adult dogs, and often take longer to recover from exertion. PetHelpful notes that senior dogs can sometimes become less active due to joint pain. If your pup is not only sleeping more but also having trouble standing and walking, they may be developing arthritis.

An examination by your vet will help to reveal what could be causing your dog to sleep more and if arthritis is involved  If your pet is diagnosed with arthritis, yourvet may recommend moving your pet’s dog bed to a warmer location and adding some extra padding, as well as watching your dog’s weight to avoid putting additional stress on their joints.

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