How to stop dogs chewing problems.

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When dogs consistently keeps chewing anything around them, it is an indicator of them trying to familiarise with their surroundings.Chewing can also be associate with puppies trying to reduce discomfort from their teeth while on old dogs, it may be a sign of them making their teeth strong.

Stress and Anxiety

Since dogs are always social, leaving them the whole day in house may increase their level of anxiety.Chewing anything they finds around may at times make them feel relaxed especially when you are away.


If the dog becomes lonely during the day as result of boredom, it may end up making them to be chewing anything that they come across.This makes them to pass time easily.

Puppy Teething

Just like babies, puppies also undergoes teething when they are young.When they undergo teething, chewing is the only way that the puppy would relieve pain.If it gets abnormal, they it is advisable to consult with your veterinary.

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